Tom Marks Talks Code

I am now offering tutoring!


I’m a programmer/developer in Melbourne, Australia. I work as a Golang enterprise dev by day, and hack on weird side projects by night. I’m a budding Haskell enthusiast, and a Lisp appreciator, but not very experienced writing code with either. Please tell me about your cool Functional Programming projects!

I started programming at age 8. My first programming experiences were in Game Maker, before I expanded into Java and Python. Video games drove my interest in computers growing up, especially vibrant worlds found in Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee and Playstation 2 classics like Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter. I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science in 2019, and have worked mostly with Java and Python, as well as C, Golang and Javascript. I have also programmed in Lua, Groovy and some Lisp dialects. I would love an excuse to improve my Haskell skills.

When I’m not programming I enjoy gaming. I occasionally compete in and commentate Quake tournaments, but that has its own website. Roguelites are my favourite singleplayer games and Spelunky 2 keeps me coming back for more. I go for regular walks with no goal or direction, but lots of stops to observe wildlife. Australia is home to lots of interesting bugs, birds and reptiles which keep my walks interesting. I love to cook, I sometimes attempt to draw or paint, and I’m slowly improving at chess.

Before studying computer science I was a performance major studying classical flute at the University of Adelaide. I still love music and try to practice most days. My main interests are baroque composers (Bach, Telemann), although one of my favourite pieces is the Claude Bolling Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano Trio. I try to sing and play piano, and I used to play saxophone in highschool, but I haven’t owned a saxophone in years.


This website is hand written Markdown run through a simple static site generator script. I wrote a blog post about building it if you want to see behind the curtain. I like simple sites with minimal JS that focus on text rather than being complex apps. Webrings, RSS feeds and IRC are all important technologies to me, and I hope that shows in how I build my website. RSS here is still a work in progress!